And for that, we give you some advice: depending on the creator and the participation of that audience, remember that a large Telephone Number List part of it might not be interested in your product or service. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the poll results: the most popular TikTok creators analyzed Telephone Number List by RealEyes (all with 50M + followers) did not perform as high on key metrics as those between 1M-10M and 10M-50M reach. With this in mind, we could say that having more Telephone Number List followers does not guarantee a high emotional response to the content.
With the same budget, it would be a better option to use medium-range creators and impact different audiences more Telephone Number List aligned with the objectives of your buyer persona. Confidence is the key to success Trust is the most valuable asset that users can offer you. In general, a user does not appreciate a brand Telephone Number List solely for its quality or its status, they have to identify with the purpose of the brand. This is why you should choose a creator that is aligned with that as well. Mid-level influencers' Telephone Number List tend to have a closer relationship with their audience.
This creates a natural feeling of trust about a promoted product or service and also shows that a real person, closer to Telephone Number List their day-to-day, is representing your brand. Generate an organic promotion flow If you plan to use a creator to promote your product, keep in mind that they know the best way to speak to their audience. Check if minor Telephone Number List adjustments are needed, and remember that if the message is too contrived or forced, you may not receive positive feedback from followers. In fact, whether you're working with creators or not, you should keep in mind that the way we Telephone Number List produce social ads has changed. Marketers need to be more creative because consumers are wiser when it comes to advertising.